Found 24 results tagged with ''

Electric Vehicle Policy

Electric Vehicle Policy

Details  Government policies that "support", "encourage" or "incentivize" people to purchase an EV are not the most efficient approach for transition to sustainable transportation.Tags    BEV 
Guest Blogs

Guest Blogs

Details  Transition Engineering has been featured on other websites as guest blogs and articles. This collection provides some inspirational reading.Tags    Blog 


Details  Transition Engineering has emerged out of research into energy engineering, but in challenging and complex relationships with society, policy, transport, buildings, economics and un-sustainability. Some very special people have taken years out of their lives to boldly go where no-one has gone before, and to push their creativity to the absolute limits by taking on the truly heretical question of how do we engineer the future that society wants rather than the one we are heading for.Link    Research 
Splendid Engineering

Splendid Engineering

Details  Towards Better

Splendid Engineering is the first consultancy helping clients achieve long-term sustainability with the Transition Engineering approach. We help people to think differently, and to adapt products, systems and organisations to remain viable in a changing future.
Link    Consulting 
Sailing to Sustainability

Sailing to Sustainability

Details  Where are we actually going?  Who is steering the ship? Do we have a map?Details  Does it ever feel like we are all on a sinking ship?  NASA Climate Scientist, Dr. James Hansen, recently said that for the last 30 years we have been going in totally the wrong direction. 

How does Transition Engineering change that?
Tags    Stories 
Petroleum Supply

Petroleum Supply

Details  Oil supply and price will change in dramatic and potentially unexpected ways within the lifetime of the infrastructure we are now using and expanding. How do you assess the vulnerabilities of the essential activity systems of a city? How do transportation engineers change their whole purpose to downshift of vehicle use?Link Tags    Peak Oil 
The Perspective Shift

The Perspective Shift

Details  How do you know if you are looking at the problem the right way? We all know that the project of transition will require new ideas, new technologies, new operations, new economics... But doesn't all of this start by getting the problem definition right? The future is not like the past. TE offers the skill of shifting perspective.Tags    The BigDO 
2nd Conference 19 Sept 2018

2nd Conference 19 Sept 2018

Details  The Big Do
19 Sept 2018

Conference Venues: 
Bristol University, UK. 8:30am - 5:30 pm 
Canterbury University, NZ, 5:30 pm - 11:00 pm
Webcast - Going Global

Tags    Meetings